Cheery Chair

Found on Sixteenth Street on Garden Walk Buffalo. Sixteenth Street is a popular stop on garden walk not only because it has some great gardens, but because it has a great number of gardens. I used to live on this block years ago and was on the Walk–the only house, at that time, on the Walk–now it has 16 on this one short block! And it increases in number each year. This seating arrangement was created by Joe, the unchallenged gardening fan & fanatic on the block and member of the Garden Walk Committee. Joe's garden is unquestionably one of the most colorful gardens of the 300+ gardens on the tour. Which amazes us all, because Joe is colorblind.


  1. I love that bench! I've seen chairs, beds, but never a bench -- great look.


  2. I too have seen many planted chairs - But never a bench. Very nice!

    And I just love the fact that such wonderful color combinations are created by someone who is color blind! Maybe I need to rethink the way I look at color.

    I also think his mixture of textures is the key to making that look spectacular. Tell him we said "Way to go Joe!"

  3. Love the chair, although I misread the title initially as cheeky chair, which brought more delight to me.

  4. Amazing color and texture and symmetry. The guy has a gift. Tell him we're all in awe.

  5. Cameron,
    It's not often a bench becomes available for a planter - or that someone has enough space to put it in - and the backyard here is not big by any measure. But boy does it make an impact.

    Theresa, Susan, TC, jodi & Grace,
    I, personally, think Joe sees colors like a bee sees colors. His yard has the happiest, most nectar-drunken, pollen-laden bees I've ever seen. The entire yard is this kind of colorful. I've forwarded to Joe the link to this post. Hopefully later today he'll read these comments - Hi Joe!

  6. Very awesome flower bench. I think sometimes we get a little to wrapped up in which colors "go together" and forget that all are part of nature and that sometimes it's fun to just mix them all up like a child with a finger painting! Sure seems to have worked for your friend - despite his color-blindness, the exuberance of the colors is inspired.

  7. I think you should put together the colours you like - colour blind or not. Ignore the supposed rules.
    I like Joe's bench. It would be nice to have a bench opposite so you could sit and admire his efforts (lol)

  8. That's really nice -- unexpectedly so. Usually plants in benches/shoes/beds/bicycles can lean toward tacky, but this is tastefully done. Kudos to Joe -- and not only for doing a bang up job while color blind, but for inspiring a whole neighborhood. That sort of thing happens often. When the neighbors see one gorgeous garden on the block, they all up their antes a bit. I don't know if it's one-uppance or simply that they're inspired. So I guess if you live on a block where people neglect their gardens, the best thing you can do is improve yours.

  9. Karen,
    I've sort of given up on colors myself, it's less important for me than size and if the plant will be happy in its spot. Colors still a requirement for me, just not #1. Oh, and no yellows or whites. Okay, I have some color rules.

    A bench opposite would be funny. I believe there is other furniture on that patio. I don't think he spends much time sitting, hence a bench of plants.

    I think part of the success of our garden tour is the "friendly competition" between gardeners. Joe not only inspires others on his street, but he and others take over the front garden of an elderly resident that might not otherwise be able to plant a garden. Wish he was my neighbor. Oh, wait, he was. I just barely knew him back then though. And he was not planting front gardens for neighbors back then.

  10. I so often see garden furniture that basically just sits there. It does pull you out into the landscape, to imagine yourself inside it. But how often do people use it? I like this use of otherwise lost planting space!

  11. I ADORE the colour in this shot! What a wonderful welcome.

  12. lostlandscape,
    Much garden furniture, to me, looks uncomfortable (all those metal & thin wire deals). This furniture IS working hard and he may get more enjoyment from it than if it were a bench he never sits on.

    I just met with the Garden Walk photographer today. We're going to use his version of this photo (much better than mine) as part of our Garden Walk PR kit.


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