...and again, photos of my garden were in the mix. They're old photos - it doesn't look quite like this anymore. The top photo, where you see the Royal purple smoke tree, no longer has the tree. That's the spot I'll be adding my handmade copper heuchera fountain.
This time, it's the Summer 2012 issue of
Real Garden magazine, a specialty publication of NYC-based
Country Almanac, by Harris Publications.
The gardens featured include:
- The Lancaster Avenue garden of Jim Locke and Annabelle Irey
(page 16, High Summer Victorian)
- The Putnam Avenue garden of Wayne Gostomsky and Thomas Flanigan
(page 38, Cottage Craving)
- The Granger Place garden of Carol Siracuse & Tom Palamuso
(page 51, Upfront Flourish)
- The Lancaster Avenue garden of Leslie & Jim Charlier (page 62, Vine & Dandy)
All are unattributed as Buffalo gardens in the magazine, each represents a particular garden style or feature in the magazine. Photography was provided by Don Zinteck of
Photogarphics 2. A contributnig writer, Barbara Ballinger visited Garden Walk Buffalo as a guest of
Visit Buffalo Niagara (VBN). The VBN is looking at having her visit again in 2012.
The magazine can be found wherever there are a large selection of gardening magazines. I found this one at the Home Depot.
A Granger Place garden. |
A Putnam Street garden. |
A Lancaster Avenue garden (my neighbors!) |
Gardens are really beautiful they enhance the beauty of house also. From where you get top soil for your garden.
ReplyDeleteToo bad there wasn't more of a shout out for Buffalo! Still, it's awesome to see the city making a mark.