Front Yard Part I - Taking out the tree

Sure, it looks good here. But it's a crabapple tree. It only looks good for two weeks every two years. The rest of the time it looks like it's slowly dieing -- from spring to fall, in the year it blooms. Otherwise it looks green in spring and leaves continually fall all summer until it looks pretty bedraggled and bare by the time fall hits.

Most of the time, the tree looked like this --
nice shape and size for the house, but it dropped leaves
starting in spring and ending in early fall.
And it shades the front yard on the southwest side of the house, which doesn't get much sun to begin with. And I'd have to trim it every three years -- the branches get long and scraggly -- they have, at times, reached my office window, and the neighbor's porch.

But my biggest complaint? The damned suckers that grow under the tree. And I mean pretty much every where under the canopy of the tree -- not just its base. There are so many and so thick that it's been impossible to keep them cut back. They're crowding out the dozens of perennials (and reseeders) I have planted there - iris, lilies, hosta, lungwort, horseradish, lavender, bachelor buttons, gooseneck loosestrife, daisys, heuchera, lambs ears, columbine, grasses, tulips, lady's mantle, a wimpy rhododendron, an azalea, and more.

The owner of the company was out a week earlier
and tied pink ribbons around the items to be taken out.
It was breast cancer awareness month. I think
the neighbors thought it had something to do
with breast cancer awareness.
And the low hedge you see in the front in the photo above? It's a nondescript thorny barberry hedge that needs trimming once every three weeks. It looks sloppy quickly. It's also been mixed up with a co-dependent growth of uncontrolled ivy. And did I mention it's thorny?

Out they go! Both the tree and hedge. Found a great company that took out both - for only $325! That's about a third of the cost I was estimating in my head (with absolutely no knowledge of how much tree removal costs).

About a week after I received and okay'd the estimate, a team of five showed up with grinder, shredder, chain saws and two trucks. They were done and cleaned up in about 45 minutes.

Next up -- redesign!
Quick work. Chopped up, ground out, raked and swept up in about 45 minutes.
Love to watch a good shredding.
I want a grinder! It's way cool and made fast work of
eliminating the shrubs and leaving behind loose turned soil.
There's a good chance some of the suckers from the tree will still be there this year.
They ground out the stump deep, as if another tree was to replace it, hopefully to discourage the suckers.
Now you can see my neighbor's house now. So I'm not starting with a blank slate, but I look forward to re-designing and re-arranging and adding to the mix in the front yard.


  1. Great price on the tree removal and the garden looks great. What fun you'll have this spring.

  2. Odds on you replanting another tree! Hoot! Hoot!

  3. Tree killer! OK, me too. You can't have a stump grinder. I was "Fargo" and I know how you feel about me.....

  4. Gail,
    We were taken aback with the price. We honestly expected it to be WAY higher.

    You know as well, that with a small yard you run out of room at a certain point. This'll keep me busy for season after season!

    If I could find the perfect tree, I would...

    Thank you. I'm only the current caretaker. It's been here since 1897!

    I prefer tree-hugger, but in this case, you're correct. I would never introduce you to a tree shredder. Too messy. Perhaps for Valentines Day, I can write you a poem of all the ways I would not want to see you killed. Unless that's been done before...

  5. Did they let you keep the shredded stuff for use as mulch or to compost?
    I agree I would love a shredder and grinder.

  6. Jeez, only forty-five minutes? Sounds like a cake walk! What technique did you guys use to bring it down?

    -Samudaworth Tree Service

  7. Thanks for the info about crabapples! I was considering one.

  8. In the heart of Rochester, Branch Specialists Rochester NY stands tall as the go-to tree service provider. Our dedicated team excels in tree removal, pruning, and stump grinding, ensuring the health and aesthetics of your green assets. With years of expertise, we prioritize safety and precision in every project, backed by state-of-the-art equipment. Trust us for efficient storm damage restoration and proactive tree care. As your reliable arboricultural partner, Branch Specialists Rochester NY is committed to enhancing the urban canopy. Experience excellence in tree service—where professionalism meets nature's beauty in Rochester.

  9. Removing a tree from the front yard can be a tough decision, but sometimes necessary for safety or aesthetics. Looking forward to Part IILJR Tree Services Inc.

  10. Great job on the tree removal! Your front yard is already looking more open and spacious. Can't wait to see the next steps in your transformation! LJR Tree Services Inc.

  11. Front Yard Part I - Taking Out the Tree was an inspiring read! Your commitment to transformation and beautification is truly commendable. Can't wait for more updates! LJR Tree Services Inc.


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