It's beddy-bye time

The leaves are raked, chopped and composting or laid in beds. The grasses are cut. The furniture is put away. The pots are in the garage. The tubers are in storage. The burning bush is burning. Time to say goodnight to the garden for the winter.

Having had a spectacularly decent and long Fall, we're ready for winter to finally hit this week – with temperatures in the mid to high 30s, and even possibly a little snow.

Now that I see this picture at the top though, I see that I still have to pull the annuals out of the upper window box. I usually put any extra pine boughs in the box when we get our Christmas tree.
The succulent frame got a good trimming a few weeks back.
Next, I may get a burlap cover for it.
The canna tubers are put away for the winter, covered in peat moss
and stored in the basement. I ended up with about three times
more tubers than I put in back in the spring.


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