A garden in new ruins
Saw this garden on the KenTon Garden Tour this past summer. This gardener's been gardening here for a loooong time. She's been collecting columns, architectural remnants, sculptures and more for years, adding them to the garden as she sees fit. The lot was shockingly deep, once down the narrow and long driveway, the actual garden started in the narrow area beside the garage with three parallel paths all leading to the huge area behind the garage.

Above: The front of the house, in greens and yellows
meshes well with the plant color choices. These beautiful columns start off the paths to the back yard. There's a store here in Buffalo (Buffalo ReUse) where columns like these can be easily found.
It's a lot of structure for two plastic Adirondack chairs. Probably nice for a cocktail hour for just two.
I made the mistake of thinking this was a George Seurat Pointillist interpretation. Turns out it was here attempt at painting a mosaic tile effect onto the back of the garage. Oops.
Small vignettes were everywhere, here classical, other places rough-hewn.
This is sort of an odd sitting area, especially with the sphinx-like dog statues.

Glowing orbs hung from the massive tree. There's also a fairy house (bird house)
you can barely make out here.
you can barely make out here.
The sitting area's at an angle in the square plot of yard behind the garage. Her husband put it centered and square, and she had him redo it at an angle, which makes much more sense in the space, especially as you enter it. It also makes four distinct garden areas, as opposed to just splitting the space in two.
Looks like a wonderful place to read a good book, smell the flowers, hear the critters walkabout and most of all-to relax. I live in Toronto where we have a few similar wonderfully relaxing places that are free and easily accessible. For me these are the places to go there when I want to escape from the pressures of work and everyday life.