A formal garden in an informal world

Next year, if you have the chance, you've gotta' check out the KenTon Garden Tour (a first ring suburb of Buffalo). There are many great gardens on the tour -- including this formally laid out relatively new garden. It's hard to believe they fit this much structure, plant material and charm all in one small urban garden. The young couple living here were very proud of the garden AND the thought they put into it. I was very impressed.

The fairly unassuming driveway leads to to the hidden back yard garden.
The lattice fence dividers force and purposely placed pots force you to weave through to the back.
Looking back down the driveway to the road.

 At the end of the driveway, this lattice "wall" stops you, forcing you to go to the right.
You can see the white garden shed beyond. More on that in a second...
 And this is what you see to the right. Nice, huh? From this angle, it doesn't look too formal a layout.
As you stand directly behind the house, this is the view. Garden areas or
"rooms" are off to the left and right of this central path.
This shows the area behind the fence that was at the end of the driveway.
Looking back toward the driveway. Cripes. I need a backyard schematic for this garden!
The garden shed is a room with desk and daybed and french doors!
Behind the shed is this grilling/dining area.
And off the dining/grilling area, behind the garden shed is this compact potting area. Genius.
The dining area by the grill -- complete with topiary mural paintings.

Opposite the central path from the grill/dining area is a small sitting area with bench.
From any angle the garden looks lush and full and NOT formal.
Next year, I have to visit again to get more pictures looking back toward the house.


  1. A lovely garden for sure... I enjoyed seeing it on this winter's morning! Larry

  2. Love it when gardeners don't let something like limited space stand in their way.

  3. This is a great time of year to be inspired by the lovely colors and arrangements shown in your photos. Thanks.

  4. I love the details in the garden. It just looks lovely. The spaces maximized yet it still looks great! I love this garden!

  5. Lovely - so many pleasant spaces to enjoy in this garden.

  6. This garden is amazing! So much in such a small space! Can you give the address?

  7. SueSue,
    Sadly, I never kept track and don't remember where this garden is. I'll be searching for it again next year too!


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