My first wisteria bloom!

The vine (a member of the pea family!) is only two years old. I expected to wait a lifetime to see a first bloom, from stories I've heard over the years. I also heard to buy one that has a bloom on it already, if planted, it will bloom its first year. Well, it didn't - but in year two, it has.

James Baggett, editor of Country Gardens magazine was here over Garden Walk Buffalo this summer and told me that you can tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese wisteria by noting which direction the vine twines -- Chinese wisteria vines spiral clockwise, Japanese wisteria vines spiral counter-clockwise. Mine, according to its spiraling, is Chinese. I have no idea how this knowledge benefits me, but there it is.


  1. Interesting seasonal differences - our wisterias are over over here!

  2. Wonderful!
    Interesting about the spiral habit.

  3. Hee haw! In Chicago it would be time for a wisteria debut party, Jim. Some of the Chinese varieties can take from 7 to 15 years to bloom.

    I got my first bloom on the Wisteria standard in my front garden this Spring.

  4. Congratulations - and it looks like you've given it a wonderful strong support - in the years to come I'm sure all you'll see will be big fat purple blossoms.

  5. A lovely post with your great photography that makes me recall the spring time!

  6. I am totally stunning to see your post, its look like a heaven. Thanks for sharing !


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