A garden to finaly stop following

I'm away from my garden all this week. I've been wanting to catalog some of the press Garden Walk got this year, so my next few posts will be of some of the Buffalo News pieces that were in the newspaper this year. You are my hapless audience.
First press of the week (we're talking the week of Garden Walk, the last week of July, 2009) was for the third article in an unprecedented series of articles following Jennifer & Jim Guercio's work in the garden at their rental property on St. James Street here in Buffalo. In their own garden, a block away, they'll be expecting visits from more than 3,000 attendees from around the country during the Walk.
Here is the link to the actual article with a little video of Jennifer showing off her hard work.
Here are my previous two posts on the articles from May and June.
Spreading the Glow, June, part two
How does her garden grow? May, part one
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